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Dog Trouble is the 5th Tom and Jerry cartoon directed by William Hanna and Joseph Barbera and was released in 1942.


Jerry is running on a tablecloth that Tom is pulling out from underneath him. Once Tom completely pulls the cloth away, he runs to the other end of the table and opens his mouth. Jerry stops, but swings on one of the cat's whiskers before running back into his mousehole. Tom knocks and waits. Jerry escapes through an open electric socket. He picks up a mousetrap and tries to put it on the cat's tail, but the tail is constantly moving. Finally, Jerry grabs the cat's tail and places it on the mousetrap. Jerry runs to the front door of the house, where he notices a sleeping Spike, and runs in-between the door and the wall. Tom notices the dog and tries to stop, but runs into him and the two's lips accidentally touch.

Spike chases Tom up a lamp. Jerry finds this amusing, but the dog notices and starts chasing the mouse. Jerry climbs up a cuckoo clock and pops out the doors with the wooden bird. Spike tries to bite Jerry, but the bird retracts every time. Tom is delighted that the dog is distracted and slides down the lamp, but retreats back up when the dog returns. Jerry laughs and slides back down the clock, but quickly climbs back up when Spike bites the strings on the clock. Jerry clings onto the cuckoo as it pops out, but this time Spike bites it off, so Jerry clings onto the edge of the clock. Tom observes Jerry and nervously gulps. He slowly slinks down the lamp and starts to sneak away. He flinches at a creaking noise. Suddenly, Spike starts chasing him. Jerry observes the situation and flinches as the sounds of things breaking are heard.

Tom hangs onto a desk. Jerry whistles for Tom to climb up the clock as Spike tries to catch the cat. Tom climbs up and struggles to hang onto the clock while Jerry hangs onto his whiskers. One by one, Jerry loses hold of Tom's whiskers. The cat levitates in the air before safely clinging onto the clock. Tom offers to shake hands with Jerry. The mouse puts his hand out, but slips and falls off the clock. Spike almost eats Jerry, but Tom catches the mouse with his tail and scoops him out. The two shake hands. Jerry looks at a bundle of red yarn and gets an idea. He whispers his plan to Tom, who agrees. Jerry jumps off the clock. Tom teases Spike by wiggling his tail in the air, then pulling it away when the dog jumps up to bite it.

Jerry slides down a curtain and into the basket of yarn. He ties a strand of yarn to his waist and runs through the house, trying to weave the yarn into many fragile things. Finally, Jerry weaves the yarn around a pole and ties a knot in it. Jerry kicks Spike in the rear. Angry, the dog chases him, but runs into the yarn and breaks a lot of things. Mammy Two Shoes runs in and notices Spike has broken the things. Upset, she drags the dog away. Tom and Jerry wave goodbye to the dog. Suddenly, Tom gets a mousetrap caught on his tail. Angry, he chases Jerry.



  • Reissued on June 21, 1952 with a promotion for defense bonds and stamps in the end credits cut.
  • The first appearance of Spike. However, he won't be named.
  • The original working title for this short was "Comrades Mix".


  • A print of this cartoon exists where Mammy Two-Shoes is recolored as a white woman and her stereotypically black voice is redubbed with June Foray doing an Irish-accented voice.



  1. Of Mice and Magic: A History of American Animated Cartoons: Revised and Updated Edition, pg. 442
Tom and Jerry Cartoons
1940 Puss Gets the Boot
1941 The Midnight SnackThe Night Before Christmas
1942 Fraidy CatDog TroublePuss n' TootsThe Bowling Alley-CatFine Feathered Friend
1943 Sufferin' Cats!The Lonesome MouseThe Yankee Doodle MouseBaby Puss
1944 The Zoot CatThe Million Dollar CatThe BodyguardPuttin' on the DogMouse Trouble
1945 The Mouse Comes to DinnerMouse in ManhattanTee for TwoFlirty BirdyQuiet Please!
1946 Springtime for ThomasThe Milky WaifTrap HappySolid Serenade
1947 Cat Fishin'Part Time PalThe Cat ConcertoDr. Jekyll and Mr. MouseSalt Water TabbyA Mouse in the HouseThe Invisible Mouse
1948 Kitty FoiledThe Truce HurtsOld Rockin' Chair TomProfessor TomMouse Cleaning
1949 Polka-Dot PussThe Little OrphanHatch Up Your TroublesHeavenly PussThe Cat and the MermouseLove That PupJerry's DiaryTennis Chumps
1950 Little QuackerSaturday Evening PussTexas TomJerry and the LionSafety SecondTom and Jerry in the Hollywood BowlThe Framed CatCue Ball Cat
1951 Casanova CatJerry and the GoldfishJerry's CousinSleepy-Time TomHis Mouse FridaySlicked-up PupNit-Witty KittyCat Napping
1952 The Flying CatThe Duck DoctorThe Two MouseketeersSmitten KittenTriplet TroubleLittle RunawayFit to Be TiedPush-Button KittyCruise CatThe Dog House
1953 The Missing MouseJerry and JumboJohann MouseThat's My Pup!Just DuckyTwo Little IndiansLife with Tom
1954 Puppy TalePosse CatHic-cup PupLittle School MouseBaby ButchMice FolliesNeapolitan MouseDownhearted DucklingPet PeeveTouché, Pussy Cat!
1955 Southbound DucklingPup on a PicnicMouse for SaleDesigns on JerryTom and ChérieSmarty CatPecos PestThat's My Mommy
1956 The Flying SorceressThe Egg and JerryBusy BuddiesMuscle Beach TomDown Beat BearBlue Cat BluesBarbecue Brawl
1957 Tops with PopsTimid TabbyFeedin' the KiddieMucho MouseTom's Photo Finish
1958 Happy Go DuckyRoyal Cat NapThe Vanishing DuckRobin HoodwinkedTot Watchers
1961 Switchin' KittenDown and OutingIt's Greek to Me-ow!
1962 High SteaksMouse into SpaceLanding StriplingCalypso CatDicky MoeThe Tom and Jerry Cartoon KitTall in the TrapSorry SafariBuddies Thicker Than WaterCarmen Get It!
1963 Pent-House Mouse
1964 The Cat Above and the Mouse BelowIs There a Doctor in the Mouse?Much Ado About MousingSnowbody Loves MeThe Unshrinkable Jerry Mouse
1965 Ah, Sweet Mouse-Story of LifeTom-ic EnergyBad Day at Cat RockThe Brothers Carry-Mouse-OffHaunted MouseI'm Just Wild About JerryOf Feline BondageThe Year of the MouseThe Cat's Me-Ouch
1966 Duel PersonalityJerry, Jerry, Quite ContraryJerry-Go-RoundLove Me, Love My MousePuss 'n' BoatsFilet MeowMatinee MouseThe A-Tom-Inable SnowmanCatty-Cornered
1967 Cat and Dupli-catO-Solar-MeowGuided Mouse-illeRock 'n' RodentCannery RodentThe Mouse from H.U.N.G.E.R.Surf-Bored CatShutter Bugged CatAdvance and Be MechanizedPurr-Chance to Dream